
3 life lesson today

Just came back from work. In my preference, I don't like working on sunday morning, but I have to arrive in ny office at 05.35. And guess what, I woke up at 04.39. I think I became a master of getting-ready-super-fast. Yeah, I mean at 5.05 I'm done with my preparation and ready to go. A bit proud of myself. And luckily I set my focus to do good at work and it works, I got good comments from my supervisor and it quite made my day. But he told me that I need to work on my appearance. I know, I know, I'm gaining more kilos lately, around 5 kilos I must say. Regardless of being stress, I think it's just me who can not control myself. The food is eating me. The worst thing is I keep binging, even though I feel full I just keep buying and eating the food. Honestly I hate that kind of feeling, I feel useless and that makes me do the same thing on the next day. But I know I have to change. I HAVE TO. And I WILL. This January 11 makes a mark of the new me. I know I've been doing this like countless time, but well I need to start somewhere someday right. So, I will lose and maintain my weight. My goal is to lose 10kg on the next 3 months. Amen. 💪

Today I also feel kinda different, because I put on the positive vibes, and that makes the others feel my energy and they bring back the postive energy to me. Well, I think I need to do this very often. Just be more smikey and more open to people.  And I'd like to share about a thing, one of my best friend just lost her mother. She started fell sick last year and I couldn't make a visit and suddenly the mother just passed away. I feel so bad and so sad at the same time because I know her mother very well and actually I can make a time to pay a visit during my trip to Jakarta but I just didn't. Another life lesson: never push the snooze button regarding everything especially the one related  with relationship because you never know man, life is just like a grass, today its here and tomorrow its gone. I will appreciate people and relationship more, because sometimes I feel so ignorant and careless about other people. And that's another life lesson.

So today I am richer because I got 3 life lesson: 
• control yourself otherwise things will control you
• bring positive vibes wherever you go and it shall bounce back to you
• appreciate lives and relationship more.

And remember there are always hope whoever puts hope in Him. Happy Sunday all. 




Reflect back 2014

Happy New Year 2015 dear fellow. Hope what hasn't been done in 2014 will be done in 2015. It's the same with me. Just a glance throwback, last year was truly me being pulled out of my comfort zone. The first til half of the year, I've been waiting for my job called up, God taught me how to be patient and surrender everything to Him. Until the perfect time I moved to Singapore for my new job. Again, I have to adapt with new environment and new friends-which I don't feel comfort very well. I have to endure it but by grace I can pass it though with tears. Then, the first 3 months of me flying. It realy wasn't easy. The feeling of loneliness, the feeling of merting new people every single day and no regular people in my life, I was homesick, churchsick, friendsick, and boyfriend sick. And the last to end the year, my boyfriend left for study in US. Even though I trust him and happy for him but still, the distant is just too far. That's about year 2014. I feel that God stretched me so much out of my comfort zone, I don't even have a time to breath, feels like nonstop of enlarging my capacity. But I believe, everything happen for a reason. 2015, even though I know nothing what lies in front of me, I just feel secure under His arm. Future shall be good. And yes, I sip a bit of Gis goodness and cannot wait for the next year.