
Kimcheese (Kimchi+Cheese) Gratin Recipe

What a beauty of waking up late!
Today is Monday and I wake at 9.30am. Monday is always been my lazy day, because of the usual hectic Saturday and Sunday when late sleep and dawn wake up routine, so I always give my self a little comfort by waking up late. It's okay isn't it? 

So, today I make my very own dieting journal, which isa very easy to make-since-I am burnnnnn to lose weight and being toned. Therefore, I make myself a diary and be a little creative today. 

It's a pretty handy journal isn't it?

Well, following Blogilates #NewBodyMakeOver plan, I keen on my diet by tracking every food I ate and manage to take every picture of it and also to keep an active lifestyle, because lately I've been really lazy and barely move my ass. But I will change for the sake of appearance and my healthy and future job, I will be healthy. Anyway, when following Blogilates #NewBodyMakeOver plan, I don't really follow her meal plan, it's just I don't really keen on Western food, so I choose to make or consume the food that I like in healthier way. Such as healthier version of Indonesian Food, Japanese Food, Korean Food, and Mexican Food, which means there will be easy-delicious-healthy recipes coming your way, because I do love that combination: easy-delicious-healthy. 

I love kimchi. Say what? Kim-chee. Even though I'm Indonesian, but I love Kimchi all the way. It's texture, mixed flavour, and not to mention the healthy effect if you consume it, make me love to eat this more. This recipe eastern and western encounter, when you mix kimchi and cheese. It's heaven. Well, if you're a kimchi lover like me, you gotta try this recipe, because its really dang good. 

The recipe adapted from here


(well-fermented) Kimchi
Kimchi juice
Cooked brown rice or white rice
Olive oil
1 egg
Chopped garlic
Chopped onion
Mozzarella cheese
Red bean
Salt & pepper

How to:
1. Soaked and boil red bean until tender, set aside.
Don't forget to preheat you oven 160 c degrees.
2. Gently shake your kimchi, cut it into small square around 1cm, set aside.
3. Heat the pan, and drizzle some olive oil, add onion the garlic and cook until golden brown, add kimchi and cook for about 5 minutes on high heat. 
4. Add 2 tbs of chicken stock if you like, to enhance the flavour.
5. After the kimchi is well cooked, add brown rice, mix well, pour kimchi juice and fry until no soggy. Then seasoned it with salt and pepper
6. Lower down the heat, add cracked egg, mix it, the turn off the heat. You may now add 1/3 of mozzarella cheese and red bean
7. Prepare your oven dish, spray with cooking oil, put the mixture into the dish, layover 3/4 part of mozzarella cheese on top
8. Place it on oven for about 15 minutes or until the cheese melted.
9. Voila! Your Kimcheese gratin now ready to be served.

I like to serve it warm, and dip in chilli sauce. It is tasty, filling yet delicious, just remember the portion sizes.

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